The far North edge of
Swift Current
View from Hwy #4, looking south to
the City at dusk
(Photo taken 2002 December 23)
Swift Current
Plant Reservoir
A great birding area, especially during
the Spring migration
In Spring, 2002 we saw 5 Loons here
and a multitude of other waterbirds!!
(Photo taken 2002 June 13)
Burnett's Pond
A great birding pond, especially during
the Spring migration
*looked after by the local Sask.
(Photo taken 2002 June 15)
Burnett's Pond
(Photo taken 2002 June 15)
Burnett's Pond
(Photo taken 2002 June 15)
Swift Current Creek by the CPR Dam
at Southside (aka Riverside) Park
This is a great place to go alongside
(and other critter watching) in the
Spring and Fall...
(Photo taken 2002 June 13)
Swift Current Creek at Southside
(Photo taken 2001 June 07)
Swift Current Creek at Southside
(Photo taken 2001 June 07)
Swift Current Creek by the CPR Dam
at Southside (aka Riverside) Park
(Photo taken 2001 August 03)
Southside Park Bridge... crossing the
Swift Current Creek
(Photo taken 2001 August 03)
Elmwood Park - many a wedding photo
has been taken here!!
(Photo taken 2001 August 04)
Elmwood Park, along the Swift Current
Creek and the Chinook Walkway
(Photo taken 2001 August 04)
Chaplin Street East Bridge (by Elmwood
(Photo taken 2001 August 04)
Sacred Heart R.C. Church
This is where we were married in 1982...
...and where we continue to Worship
(Photo taken 2001 August 04)
Cenotaph - Memorial Park
Downtown Swift Current
(Photo taken 2003 November 09)
Sask Wheat Pool Elevator
South Railway St E - Swift Current
(Photo taken 2002 June 16)
~~This Sask Wheat Pool elevator
was torn down
a couple months after this photo
was taken~~
Paterson Grain Terminal
Along Highway #4
(Photo taken 2001 August 06)
The same Paterson
Along Highway #4
(Photo taken 2002 December 23)
Grain Terminals and the
Prairie Sunset
Swift Current - West end
(Photo taken 2001 August 03)
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