One of the best
about birdwatching
is it can be done
starting in your own
lifelist includes the birds either Larry or I have seen
not necessarily both of us,
we soon hope to rectify that!!!)
combined total is 289
(saw &
identified) &
American Avocet American Bittern American Coot American Crow American Dipper American Golden Plover American Goldfinch American Kestrel American Pipit American Redstart American Robin American Three-toed Woodpecker American Tree Sparrow American White Pelican American Wigeon Arctic Tern
Baird's Sparrow Bald Eagle Baltimore Oriole Bank Swallow Barn Swallow Barrow's Goldeneye Bay-breasted Warbler Belted Kingfisher Black Swift Black Tern Black & White Warbler Black-billed Cuckoo Black-backed Woodpecker Black-billed Cuckoo Black-billed Magpie Black-capped Chickadee Black-chinned Hummingbird Black-crowned Night-Heron Black-headed Grosbeak Black-necked Stilt Blackpoll Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Blue Grouse (Dusky Grouse) Blue Jay Blue-winged Teal Bobolink Bohemian Waxwing Bonaparte's Gull Boreal Chickadee Brewer's Blackbird Brewer's Sparrow Broad-winged Hawk Brown Creeper Brown Thrasher Brown-headed Cowbird Bufflehead Bullock's Oriole Burrowing Owl |
California Gull Calliope Hummingbird Canada Goose (Greater & Lesser) Canada Warbler Canvasback Duck Cape May Warbler Caspian Tern Cassin's Finch Cassin's Vireo Cedar Waxwing Chestnut-collared Longspur Chestnut-sided Warbler Chimney Swift Chipping Sparrow Cinnamon Teal Clark's Grebe Clark's Nutcracker Clay-colored Sparrow Cliff Swallow Common Goldeneye Common Grackle Common Loon Common Merganser Common Nighthawk Common Poorwill Common Raven Common Redpoll Common Tern Common Yellowthroat Connecticut Warbler Cooper's Hawk |
Double-crested Cormorant Downy Woodpecker Dunlin Dusky Flycatcher Eared
Grebe Ferruginous
Hawk |
Glaucous-winged Gull Golden-crowned Kinglet Golden Eagle Grasshopper Sparrow Gray Catbird Gray Jay Gray (Hungarian) Partridge Great Blue Heron Great Egret Great Horned Owl Greater Sage Grouse Greater White-fronted Goose Greater Yellowlegs Green-winged Teal Gyrfalcon |
Harlequin Duck Harris's Sprarrow Hermit Thrush Herring Gull Hoary Redpoll Horned Grebe Horned Lark House Finch House Sparrow (Weaver Finch) House Wren Hudsonian Godwit |
Lapland Longspur Magnolia Warbler Mallard Duck Marbled Godwit Marsh Wren McCowan's Longspur Merlin Mountain Bluebird Mountain Chickadee Mourning Dove Mourning Warbler Mute Swan |
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Northern Cardinal Northern "Yellow-shafted" Flicker Northern "Red-shafted" Flicker Northern Goshawk Northern Harrier Northern Hawk Owl Northern Mockingbird Northern Pintail Duck Northern-Rough Winged Swallow Northern Shoveler Duck Northern Shrike Northern Waterthrush Northwestern Crow Olive-sided
Flycatcher Pacific-sloped Flycatcher (we heard it, but only Ryan saw it) Palm Warbler Pectoral Sandpiper Peregrine Falcon Philadelphia Vireo Pied-billed Grebe Pileated Woodpecker Pine Grosbeak Pine Siskin Piping Plover Prairie Falcon Purple Finch Purple Martin |
Red Crossbill Red Knot Red-breasted Merganser Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-eyed Vireo Red-headed Woodpecker Red-naped Sapsucker Red-necked Grebe Red-necked Phalarope Red-tailed Hawk Red-winged Blackbird Redhead Duck Ring-billed Gull Ring-necked Duck Ring-necked Pheasant Rock Pigeon Rock Wren Rose-breasted Grosbeak Ross's Goose Rough-legged Hawk Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ruby-throated Hummingbird Ruddy Duck Ruddy Turnstone Ruffed Grouse Rufous Hummingbird Rusty Blackbird |
Sandhill Crane Savannah Sparrow Say's Phoebe Semipalmated Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Sharp-shinned Hawk Sharp-tailed Grouse Short-billed Dowitcher Short-eared Owl Snow Bunting Snow Goose (White-phase & Blue phase) Snowy Egret Snowy Owl Solitary Sandpiper Song Sparrow Sora Spotted Sandpiper Spotted Towhee Sprague's Pipit Stellar's Eider Stellar's Jay Stilt Sandpiper Swainson's Hawk Swainson's Thrush Swamp Sparrow |
Townsend's Solitaire Townsend's Warbler Tree Swallow Trumpeter Swan Tundra Swan Turkey Vulture Upland Sandpiper Varied ThrushVaux's Swift Veery Vesper Sparrow Violet-Green Swallow |
Western Bluebird Western Grebe Western Kingbird Western Meadowlark Western Tanager Western Wood-Pewee Whimbrel White-breasted Nuthatch White-crowned Sparrow White-faced Ibis White-tailed Ptarmigan White-throated Sparrow White-winged Crossbill White-winged Scoter Whooping Crane Wild Turkey Willet Willow Flycatcher Wilson's Phalarope Wilson's Snipe Wilson's Warbler Winter Wren Wood Duck Yellow-bellied
Flycatcher |
Check out The
Birding Photo Galleries
Larry bought
me a beautiful gift:
"The Birder's Life List & Master Reference" (Jeffrey Whiting) and "The Birder's Field Notebook", both beautifully bound in hard cover. Now I have to start entering all our sightings!
On my way to Regina the end
of May, 2004, I saw my first RUDDY TURNSTONES, plus some STILT
SANDPIPERS -- both along the northern edge of Reed Lake, just west of
the small Prairie town of Morse, Saskatchewan. The Ruddy
Turnstone was very near the top of my "want to see" list, so I was
ecstatic. The following weekend, we went out again so Larry &
Ryan could see them... the Ruddy Turnstone co-operated and was there,
but the Stilt Sandpipers had moved on. They did get their chance
to see the Stilt Sandpipers though, during their southward migration
the beginning of August, 2004... at Reed Lake.
Our Summer 2004 trip to
Waterton Lakes National Park (far SW corner of Alberta) brought us
another lifer very near the top of our list of "want to see" birds ---
we saw not one but several LAZULI BUNTINGS!! What a beautiful
We were at the Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park in April, 2003 and we finally saw a BROWN CREEPER!! A LIFER!!! The added bonus was we were only a few feet away from it and were able to watch it go about its business for as long as we wanted... it wasn't going anywhere other than to the next tree!!
Seeing a Common Loon on the Swift Current Filtration Plant Reservoir in the Spring of 2002 was very exciting for us!! Not only did we see 6 Common Loons there, but an Osprey as well, at the same time! Spring Migration and Fall Migration is always exciting -- one never knows just what you'll see, from one year to the next:-) We have seen the Common Loons at the Filtration Plant Reservoir every year since!
During the 2002 Fall Migration, we saw 2 Pacific Loons on Lake Diefenbaker, at the Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park. THAT WAS VERY EXCITING, and the Spring of 2003 we saw at least one Whimbrel there!! In late June, 2003 we saw two Whimbrels at the Saskatchewan Landing - very exciting as they should have been up north by then!!! Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park has provided us with several lifers over the last few short years and we saw another couple lifers there on July 1, 2003: A few BOBOLINKS (they were near the top of our "want to see" list!) and and Eastern Phoebe!!!
A 2002 Highlight for me was seeing my very first BLUE JAY in September -- while at Good Spirit Lake attending a meeting (it pays to get up early and go for a nice walk before breakfast, binoculars in hand!!! The early birder does get the lifer!!!) Fall 2007 we had our very own 2 Blue Jays in our own backyard right here in Swift Current! We were thrilled to say the least! They stayed all winter and into mid-Spring. When they left us in early May (2008) we hoped they would return in the Fall but to our dismay, they did not. We did, however, see one at Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park during the 2008-09 winter (only 30 miles north of Swift Current.)
While in Waterton (Summer of 2001), we took a day trip to Lethbridge, and also paid a visit to the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre, in Coaldale (10 minutes east of Lethbridge) -- where we seen many species of raptors. It was a "tweet" to see these magnificent birds up close and personal, many for the very first time (and probably the only time we will see them!) Some of these birds are being rehabilitated, to be released back into the wild, but some, through injury or whatever, are permanent residents of the Centre... The goal of the Centre is to release as many as possible! Hubby says, however, we cannot include these in our lifelist because we didn't see them in their natural habitats... Darn!! Some of the birds we did see at the Centre were: Burrowing Owl, Great Horned Owl, Great Gray Owl, Long-Eared Owl, Saw-Whet Owl, Short-Eared Owl, Barn Owl, Barred Owl, Tawny Owl (from England), Ferruginous Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Harris Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Saker Falcon (from SE Europe & into Asia - a great favourite with falconers), Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle, and Turkey Vulture.
...that next to the hummingbirds, the Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Golden-crowned Kinglets are two of the smallest birds in North America (smaller than the smallest warbler...) The first times we saw these lovely little birds were: the Ruby-crowned Kinglet in Cypress Hills (2000 June...) and the Golden-crowned Kinglet in Cypress Hills (2002 January) -- they are very small!! And, the Golden-crowned Kinglet is actually just a bit smaller than the Ruby-crowned Kinglet!! Very Beautiful little birds!!! (And we have had both the Ruby-crowned AND the Golden-crowned Kinglets in our immediate neighbourhood on a couple occasions!)